Monday, June 14, 2010

Check List 2010

6 months more to go, no harm doing a review. here we go:

1. Run with better barefoot running technique. - done and still learning

2. Read more books. Think wisely. - Read everyday, but how wise is wise?
3. Sculpt more, at least, practice more. Halted since 13 March. What the...

4. Learn more programming tricks. Not much done on this. Learning new software.
5. Train harder on basketball skill. Focus too much on running...
6. Try to find the right soul companion. Tried and keep trying
7. Save up some money. Saved up and spend much too... crap...
8. Learn to swim free style. NULL
9. At least finish one marathon gracefully, or easily :-) We will see about this in November
10. Clean up the house more often. - Done, can someone tell me where does all this dust come from?
11. Pay the debt on time! - Done
12. Work faster. - Done... on occasion
13. Forgive and forget. - learning to do so.

14. Laugh harder. Get angry less. Probably laughed too hard too much.. on the "rope issue"...
15. Eat more natural food, less medicine. -Done
16. Rest well. -Done.. maybe, too much...
17. Eat moderate. -Done, tho i get drunk once.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

unofficial 1/2 marathon personal record.

50 laps, 22.5km , 2 hour 01 minute 15 seconds