Monday, October 11, 2010

On 10.10.2010, 10:10:10pm

Recorded the longest run of my life, my Casio watch recorded 38.6km, my manual count suggest 36km minimum.

88 Cadence.

Time, 3:39:39

Lap 10, fighting lattice period.
Lap 20, warm up finish.
Lap 30, into the form.
Lap 40, this is easy.

Lap 50, 1/2 marathon at 1:56 hour.
Lap 60, feel like the lungs and trachea shutting down, alveolus wither badly.
Lap 70, this is the longest run so far, get over it! but i kept hearing voice ask me to stop.. F**k you buddy, i don't come this far to quit!
Lap 80, new record. By this time, 1.3 litre of 100plus has been agitated at 11.5km per hour for 3 hours plus. Whose idea was it in the first place, to include carbonate in this so called sport drinks. Really morronic! You might as well market the Sarsi as 100plus, atleast it taste hell lot better!

When i hit the stop button on the watch, it was, 10:49:10!!! ok, my watch is 39 minutes faster than the actual time! :-), so it was, 10:10:10pm.

No moon, no stars, only me and my shadow :-)

The part that hurt the most, nipples, no kidding.