-Personal best Penang Hill record.
-Personal best Marathon record.
-Personal best Marathon record.
-Personal best 10km record.
-Personal best 21km record.
-4 x 1/2 marathon in 5 days.
-709 Bersih 2.0
-4 x 1/2 marathon in 5 days.
-709 Bersih 2.0
-Shopping cart programming
-Complete working CMS
-Realize the truth
-Engage meditation
-Climb Penang Hill in ritual.
-3D animation
-2D animation
-Zero sculpting record
-Get to know more friends
-Clear a lot of junks
-Complete Penang National Park Muka Head route
-Shut down of company office
-3 races in a month
-66 laps on track 8 of outdoor track