Monday, September 14, 2009

Labuan 090909

This trip was planned for Mee Huat wedding dinner, but he changed the wedding to June, so i am 3 months late for his wedding dinner :-D.
I have been thinking of a vacation ever since i saw Jason Mraz 'I'm Yours" MV, so, this is it!

Some shots from the marine center. Day 2.

This does remind me to the Deus Ex Machina in Matrix Revolution.

nice sculpture.

Day 3, cycling around the island.

the awakening giant

Cross Road. Left or right? Lets take the hard way!

End of construction, i can get back on the bicycle.

i walked thru this path with bicycle, the road condition is too bad for the type of bicycle i rented.

trespasser will be executed, i mean, prosecuted

End of the road. Turn back and take the last junction.

are we there yet?


ok, we are here...

put the camera on the ground, set the timer, ran to the bicycle, pretend to be cool, stop gasping, 3..2..1.. !


7 hours on the road,
Day 4.

lets have some drinks.

laugh while we can... hehehehehehe....


  1. miss UMS Labuan soO much!! better study than work..uhuhuhu...

  2. yeah man..
    how are you doing Abu?
