Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 review

1. Run with better barefoot running technique. - done and still learning
2. Read more books. Think wisely. - Read but not wise
3. Sculpt more, at least, practice more. R&D

4. Learn more programming tricks. Done.
5. Train harder on basketball skill. Focus too much on running...
6. Try to find the right soul companion. Tried and keep trying
7. Save up some money. Saved up and spend much too... crap...
8. Learn to swim free style. NULL
9. At least finish one marathon gracefully, or easily :-) Done one, but not so easy.
10. Clean up the house more often. - Done
11. Pay the debt on time! - Done
12. Work faster. - Done... on occasion
13. Forgive and forget. - learning to do so.

14. Laugh harder. Get angry less. Probably laughed too hard too much.
15. Eat more natural food, less medicine. -Done
16. Rest well. -Done.. maybe, too much...
17. Eat moderate. -Done.


  1. I hope for you that you will achieve all your goals for this year Jones. Remember me? Horseck (from FRANCE) who bought from you the Hellboy Masterpiece you did?
    It is always a pleasure to read news from you.

  2. Horseck95;
    Yes i remember you :-)
    I am working on my new sculpt which have a lot of parts :-)
    Hopefully the sculpt can be publish by June.
